Eneco is a Dutch energy company, active in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and the United Kingdom, with head office located in Rotterdam. Eneco is producing and supplying natural gas, electricity and heat in the Netherlands, where we serve more than 2 million business and residential customers. The company employs approximately 3,400 people and is fully owned by Mitsubishi Group / Chubu Energy from Japan. Eneco is exclusively investing and developing sustainable energy projects, such as on- and offshore windparks, solar projects, thermal and residual heat, industrial electrification and bio energy.
Eneco Bio Energy is operating 2 bio energy plants in The Netherlands, which are producing industrial steam, power and district heating respectively. The plants are located in Delfzijl and in Utrecht, and use organic waste as a feedstock, mostly recycled wood and landscaping residues. Moreover, Eneco Bio Energy is involved in developing new green gas projects and sourcing biogenic feedstocks.